Colin's Views on Business and Life Blog

The DEW View!

Merge - Web Agency and Entrepreneurial Blog

Social Media Professor


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Everything and everyone in one place

I am attempting to pull together all the tech and knowledge based news and entrepreneurial bloggers in the Upstate and present them to you in one centralized location for everyone get quick access. Everything is organized in alphabetical order so no one can say I am playing favorites. And I know there are more of you out there who are writing, do not take it personally, I had to start somewhere... Just post your blog feed, call me a bad name, and I (may) include you with this list. Seriously, let me know and I will add you.

I have placed the entrepreneurial blogs in the main body and placed the news sources on in the right column.

Anyone want to whip of a logo for the blog what would be great...

Thanks to everyone and let's see if we can collectively get our words out!

Joe "Bootstrapping" Milam